Shop Cowichan Challenge

Thank First a great big friendly shout out to some wonderful local businesses; then onto the Shop Cowichan Challenge…

These are your neighbours and your friends. They help ensure we have a strong local economy. They do their part, now let’s do ours! Please shop Cowichan.

Soulful Memories

Duncan Showroom

Russell Farms Market

The Tin Cup Coffee & Expresso Bar 277 Canada Avenue, Duncan BC 250-597-3738

The Tin Cup Canada Ave. Duncan BC CowichanshoplocalchallengeTheTinCup2

The list is just getting started, so keep an eye out. It will be updated regularly here on the blog.

Each time we add to our shop Cowichan list, we’ll do a shout out on Twitter and on Facebook.

Be sure to like & follow (one or the other or better even; both)         

The Shop Cowichan Challenge

Shop Cowichan Challenge Part 1

Please drop into and drop a little cash at a #Cowichan place of business that you’ve never been to before. A locally owned store, food producer, coffee shop or restaurant. Hire a local service provider. Support a local artisan; check out a farm or farmer’s market. In other words shop someplace in the #CowichanValley that you’ve never shopped before. Try someplace new. Give a local business a shot at earning your loyalty.

Shop Cowichan Challenge Part 2

Now that you’ve had a wonderful customer experience someplace locally owned…tell two people about it. They’ve earned it, give them a shout out to people you know. It’s a great way to support business growth in your community AND help your friends start having some wonderful customer experiences of their own.

Shop Cowichan Bonus

Tell us about your great local customer experience(s) and we will shout it from the tallest mountain. Well, not really a mountain but we will shout it out on the World Wide Web which happens to be wayyyyy more effective anyway 😉

Shop Cowichan Challenge #ILoveCowichanThank you! With every nickel you spend when you shop Cowichan, you help make our local economy stronger. With every person you tell about it…you’re kicking it up another notch.

Take care, Shelley

PS- If you have a Cowichan business, project, cause, news whatever it may be please let me know so that I can check it out…then I’ll tell 2000 friends about it. I’m totally serious, I kid you not.