Container Garden

Got Stress? Play in the Dirt. Plant Yourself a Container Garden ☺

I popped onto my back deck to water my container garden and before I knew it I was digging in the dirt. Which, as it turns out is super relaxing for me.

Container Garden Variety
Pretty Planter

First, I’m going to clarify…I do not now, nor have I ever had a green thumb. I am not a gardener. My grandmother was, my mother is and my sister is, I am not. However, I totally get a kick out of watching life sprout from seeds I planted. The amount of food I produce is probably not all that much. It’s tough to know for sure though. Because while I’m out taking care of my container garden I snack on my veggies.

Take last year, for example, I grew beans that were purple. The plants produced quite a few tasty beans. Apparently, according to my sister, they turn green when you cook them. I’d have known this except I ate them off the vines. So, yeah, I had no idea.

Regardless of the amount of fruit or veggies produced in my container garden, for me growing planters of food is just as pretty as flowers. And, bonus! Some of the plants, especially herbs smell just as nice if not better than flowers.

I’ve noticed that the veggies, especially kale, attract butterflies. Which, are an absolute joy to watch.

Nature’s Container Garden

I find it interesting to leave a container or two for nature to plant. I don’t plant a single thing, but the birds and the wind most certainly do. I’ve had perfect cedar and maple tree seedlings come up on their own as well as unidentified flowers a plenty sprout up. I’m intrigued by the mystery of the so-called “weeds”, and enjoy watching them grow into pretty plants and flowers while having no idea what they are.

I call this nature gardening. Some of my prettiest planters have been filled by nature. Besides, my guinea pigs really appreciate grazing in them.

Nature's Container Garden
Pippa the hairless guinea pig that we rescued from the BCSPCA.

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