Cowichan Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store
Too Many Great Cowichan People to Blog About
You ever have so many ideas flying around inside your head that you just can’t grab onto one long enough to jot it down? Happens to me constantly, kind of like a bunch of pop ups going off when you’re visiting a website. It pops up, then poof it’s gone and replaced by a new one. I suppose the idea isn’t really gone, it has joined all the others spiraling around in a whirlpool of incredible ideas, things to do and solutions to problems.
There’s this bunch of post its fluttering around, and I can’t quite grab onto one.
Well here goes, I’m picking one now…
Hats off to HATS Cowichan Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store

Hats off to the volunteers of the Cowichan Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store for all that they do out of the goodness of their hearts. Such lovely people, and such a lovely example of community supporting community.
Every season I buy a few of these for the kids. They make great gift decorations at Christmas too. Perfect for sending one little “kiss”.
Anyway when we were at the cash I reached for the Easter Bunny kisses and commented about how cute they are. That I really enjoy how they have them decorated for each holiday/season.

Just so happens that the lady who makes them was working the cash. It was such a pleasure finally meeting her. I really enjoyed hearing the enthusiasm as she explained how she makes them. They’re a lot of work. One time they sold 1000 of them! Wow! Talk about supporting your local hospital.

Was great to visit with the two of you. You both have Winningest Smiles for sure 😉
The Cowichan Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store opened at 79 Station Street Duncan, BC in May 2008. Wow! Doesn’t seem like that long ago! It’s popularity and success has made it possible for the Auxiliary to purchase many more items for the hospital and Cairnsmore place. HATS was able to donate over $259,000.00 in their first four years of business.
This my friend, is yet another reason why #iLoveCowichan; the generosity of people in our community.
None of this would be possible without the hard work of volunteers and the generous donations from Cowichan Valley citizens.
To those of you that volunteer for and to those who make donations to the Cowichan Auxiliary Thrift Store thank you all so very much!
Take care,
PS- Don’t forget to follow I Love Cowichan on Instagram & Facebook and pretty please shop local whenever you can.